Food Poisoning Incident from Unagi Bento: 130 Affected, 1 Dead, Yokohama Health Bureau Uncertain of Causal Link

Food Poisoning Incident from Unagi Bento: 130 Affected, 1 Dead, Yokohama Health Bureau Uncertain of Causal Link

Incident Overview

On July 24, 2024, a major food poisoning outbreak occurred in Yokohama, affecting 130 people who consumed unagi bento from Nihonbashi Unagi Isetei, sold at Keikyu Department Store. The victims experienced symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain, leading to the hospitalization of several individuals. Tragically, a woman in her 90s succumbed to the illness.

Investigations and Initial Findings

The Yokohama Health Bureau conducted extensive investigations and identified Staphylococcus aureus bacteria as the likely cause. However, the exact mechanism by which the bacteria contaminated the food remains unclear. Despite rigorous inspections, the bureau has not definitively established a direct causal relationship between the bacteria and the death, highlighting the complexity of foodborne illness cases.

Possible Contamination Routes

  1. Cross-Contamination: One potential route is cross-contamination during food preparation. Staphylococcus aureus is known to thrive on human skin, making it easy to transfer to food via improper handling. In this case, the bacteria could have spread through contact with contaminated surfaces or utensils during the preparation and packaging of the bento boxes​ (日テレNEWS NNN)​.
  2. Temperature Mismanagement: The bacteria can multiply rapidly if food is kept at unsafe temperatures. If the bento boxes were not stored or transported at the correct temperatures, it could have allowed the bacteria to proliferate​ (Seafood Reference)​.

Preventative Measures and Industry Response

In response to the incident, Keikyu Department Store has suspended sales of the affected bento boxes and is collaborating closely with health authorities to review and enhance their food safety protocols. The focus is on ensuring strict adherence to hygiene standards and proper temperature control during food preparation and storage​ (日テレNEWS NNN)​​ (Seafood Reference)​.

Challenges in Establishing Causality

One of the significant challenges faced by health authorities in food poisoning cases is establishing a direct causal link between the consumed food and the illness. This is due to several factors:

  1. Symptom Onset: Symptoms of food poisoning can appear hours to days after consumption, complicating the identification of the specific contaminated meal.
  2. Multiple Pathogens: Food poisoning can be caused by various pathogens, and identifying the exact strain involved requires sophisticated laboratory testing.
  3. Mixed Diets: Individuals often consume multiple foods, making it difficult to pinpoint the exact source of contamination​ (日テレNEWS NNN)​​ (Seafood Reference)​.

Public Health Implications

This incident underscores the importance of robust food safety practices in preventing outbreaks. It also highlights the need for continuous monitoring and rapid response mechanisms to manage such crises effectively. Public health education on food handling and hygiene is crucial in reducing the incidence of foodborne illnesses.

Future Preventive Strategies

To prevent similar incidents in the future, several measures can be implemented:

  1. Strict Hygiene Practices: Ensuring that all food handlers adhere to rigorous handwashing protocols and use sanitized equipment.
  2. Temperature Control: Maintaining proper temperature control during the storage, transportation, and display of perishable food items to inhibit bacterial growth.
  3. Regular Inspections: Conducting frequent inspections and audits of food preparation areas to ensure compliance with safety standards​ (日テレNEWS NNN)​​ (Seafood Reference)​.


The food poisoning incident at Keikyu Department Store serves as a critical reminder of the complexities involved in food safety. While the exact cause of the contamination remains uncertain, the incident has prompted a comprehensive review of food handling practices and heightened awareness about the importance of food safety measures. Ongoing investigations by health authorities aim to provide clearer answers and prevent future occurrences of similar outbreaks.

For more detailed information on food safety and handling practices, you can refer to the following sources: NTV News and Seafood Reference​ (日テレNEWS NNN)​​ (Seafood Reference)​.







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